Feminissima SCULPT 100

Feminissima SCULPT 100

Availability: Available


Feminissima SCULPT 100 is the most recent innovation in body reshape. It is an intensive Re-modelling Gel Set where you are in full control of where and what to change in your figure. You may enhance every single part of your body shape by augmenting, reducing, or firming any area at will. You can really SCULPT 100% of your body shape.

If you have ever wished you can re-model your figure...now you can! Feminissima SCULPT 100 consists of two gels that augment, firm up or reduce areas of your body, large or small, depending how you apply it.

It took several years to develop but nothing equals it !

Feminissima SCULPT 100 makes the layers under your skin and muscles to either become more compact and firm reducing their size or to absorb more hydration and fat and expand increasing visibly their size. The effect stays days at the time so when you use it daily, you keep the chosen shape. Or you can make changes on the way until getting the exact shape you feel comfortable with in every part of your figure. The longer you use it the more permanent the results become, unless you want to change them.

The results observed during clinical testing on volunteers and through the response from users are VERY CLEAR: You may now sculpt your figure at will !

Feminissima SCULPT 100 is an INTENSIVE treatment that can be used as a stand alone treatment or can be advantageously used as reinforcement or complementary shaping treatment with any of Amazonas BioTech treatments.

In fact, all users from the trial groups who used it as complement to their regular or intense ReShape Treatments reported larger and more precise results and the ability to add changes in small areas as specific parts of the legs, arms, neck, breast firmness and hips.

Feminissima SCULPT 100 is so efficient that it has been reported by trial users to accelerate and increase the results of other types of reshape treatments not only our own.

* This treatment is comprised of active principles in the form of gels. All formulas are proprietary and not disclosed. All treatments are from organic base, not tested on animals and are suitable for vegetarians. No allergic responses of any kind have been recorded or reported.

Feminissima SCULPT 100 is FULLY COMPATIBLE with ALL Amazonas BioTech ReShape Treatments when used simultaneously and it is very comfortable to apply.

Follow the instructions on the label of the package for achieving the best results.